You may be a preacher with your spiritual pride
You may be a city councilman taking bribes on the side

U doba Karavana i Briona...

Umro je Ennio Morricone

It doesn't take a mathematician
To add a simple sum
Either you are simply beautiful
Or I am simply dumb

Don't you wanna know how we keep startin' fires

On a warm summer's eve
On a train bound for nowhere
I met up with the gambler

Prigodna pesma za ove dane...

Can you sense the fear and the hatred
Growing in the hearts of it's population?

Dakle, najboljih 5 spotova...ne i pesama...

War, war is the ego
Of man's repressed libido

I'm the twinkle in her eye
I'm Jeff Goldblum in "The Fly"

Far above the ocean, deep under the sea
There's a river runnin' dry, because of you and me